Pancake School

The OES visited Pancake School on October 18, 2002. Also known as the Selsor-Moon Schoolhouse, the building is just off Selsor-Moon Road in Madison County. Much like the nearby Paint Creek School, the Pancake School was probably built in the mid-to-late 1800s, possibly even as late as the early 1900s. The building is a one-room schoolhouse and was in decent shape compared to Paint Creek School. On our visit, the building was being used to store some farm equipment and random junk. Pancake School is rumored to have a dark past. Local legend states that the school is haunted by the ghosts of children who were killed there during an Indian raid. However, we have not been able to find any information about the alleged raid, so we’re unsure whether this is true or simply folklore. Some witnesses have reported seeing strange lights around the area of the schoolhouse, and others have heard voices speaking to them. Pancake Cemetery, located just behind the school, is also rumored to be haunted. According to the legend, the children who were killed during the raid were buried there in unmarked graves. We did hear strange sounds coming from the field adjacent to the school during a night trip, but it turned out to be a herd of curious cows.

Location Information: Abandoned

The Pancake Schoolhouse is located on Selsor-Moon Road near Midway; Madison County.


