Cox Covered Bridge

The OES visited Cox Covered Bridge on March 13, 2013. Built by the Diltz and Steel Company in 1884, Cox Covered Bridge is one of five covered bridges remaining in Vinton County. Cox Covered Bridge uses a variation of the Queenpost truss system. The bridge spans 40 feet across Brushy Fork and is the shortest covered bridge in the county. In August 1992, Cox bridge was moved twenty feet north of its original location and replaced with a newer bridge. The county engineer’s office placed the old bridge onto new concrete foundations and installed metal runners and steel cables to ensure the bridge would stand for years to come. Cox Bridge seemed to be in great condition at the time of our visit, although there was a large stash of empty beer bottles inside the bridge. There was also decades worth of carvings inside the bridge, some dating as far back as the 1920s. If you have any other information about Cox Bridge, please email us at .

Location Information: Public Roadway

Cox Covered Bridge is located on Woodgeard Road, just west of State Route 93; Vinton County.
