10/16/2007: Thanks to Colen Fink for submitting these unusual photographs from Magnolia Cemetery in Stark County. They captured an odd mist and what appears to be an orb next to one of the tombstones in two separate photos. The photos are below the description of what they discovered.
We were taking pictures one night and this tombstone had some action around it. The person buried here was at Camp Chase during the Civil War…here is some info I found:
Name on the tombstone is: ELI BOWMAN; Born 1845; Died 1912. He was with the 162nd Regiment, Ohio Infantry (National Guard).
Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered on May 20, 1864. Companies “A,” “C,” “F” and “K” on duty at Ted Barracks, Columbus, Ohio, until September 4. Companies “B,” “D,” “E,” “G,” “H,” and “I” moved to Covington, KY., June 11. Expedition to Carrollton, KY., in search of Moses Webster’s men. Duty at Carrollton and Covington, KY., recruiting for the 117th United States Colored Troops and arresting prominent Rebels till September. Mustered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, September 4, 1864. Here are two pictures that we took.