Private Investigation 05CMR70041

Investigation #05CMR70041

The Ohio Exploration Society assisted our partners at the Central Ohio Paranormal Society with their investigation, conducted at a private residence in Columbus on February 19, 2005.

General Information

The homeowner contacted the Central Ohio Paranormal Society (COPS) after experiencing strange noises and uneasy feelings. In conversation with the homeowner, it was discovered that two family members had passed away in the home.

Investigators Attending

  • Jason Robinson – Ohio Exploration Society Founder
  • Philip Niklas – OES Coordinator
  • Mike Robare – Central Ohio Paranormal Society Founder
  • Gena Robare – COPS Co-Founder
  • Randy Garrison – COPS Co-Founder

Equipment Used

  • 2 Sony MiniDV Camcorders
  • 2 Sony Hi8mm Camcorders
  • 1 Sony Night-Vision Extender
  • 4 Digital Cameras
  • 2 Digital Audio Recorders
  • 2 Microcassette Recorders
  • 4 External Microphones
  • 1 TriField Natural EM Meter
  • 1 Infrared Thermometer
  • 1 Remote Thermometer
  • 2 FRS Radios

Paranormal / Unusual Activity

A total of nine instances of electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) were recorded during the investigation of the home, six recorded by the investigators and three by the homeowner.

Our team experienced several problems with batteries during our investigation. Garrison’s digital camera died suddenly while in an upstairs bedroom. The display on the camera indicated that the battery had been drained, however when Garrison left the bedroom, the camera turned on and indicated a full charge. At one point, the Hi8mm camcorder set up in the same bedroom turned off by itself and needed to be restarted. This also occurred several times with the second Hi8mm camcorder set up in the living room. The battery for the night-vision extender on the MiniDV camcorder in another upstairs bedroom died quickly, despite having been fully charged. High electromagnetic field readings were taken near the bed and next to the windows in this room as well, although they only lasted a few seconds before dissipating.

Later that night, Robinson and Niklas were checking equipment set up in an upstairs bedroom when they physically heard a distinct yelp come from the hallway, similar to a small dog. There were no living animals in the home. The sound was recorded in the MiniDV camcorder set up in the bedroom, the audio is included below. When Robinson and Niklas went to investigate the sound, they encountered a strong static electricity feeling in the doorway and there was a brief fluctuation in the electromagnetic field readings. The source of the yelping noise could not be found.

The total time of the investigation was approximately two hours. You may also read the COPS case report by clicking here.

Evidence – EVP Recordings

Do You?: Recorded in the living room when checking the thermostat for the base temperature of the residence.
Yelp: Physically heard by two investigators, the yelp sounds like a small dog, but there were no animals present.
Let Me Go: Recorded during a discussion about manifestations.
No: Recorded during an interview with the homeowner.
I Got A Lot Of Stuff: Recorded while joking with the homeowner about the clutter in one of the unused bedrooms.
Get Up! Let Me Find My Coat: Recorded as a digital camera was malfunctioning in another unused bedroom.
No!: Recorded in the living room by the homeowner.
Don’t Know: Another EVP recorded by the homeowner in the living room. It sounds very similar to the voice in the recording above.
Music & Static: Recorded by homeowner in the living room, this sounds like someone changing the radio station. No radios were on during the investigation and the homeowner was using a brand new tape.


Site Information


OES Members and the homeowner may click here to sign-in for further details.