On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Portage County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Geauga Lake – Legend said a little boy too small to ride the “Superman/Steel Venom” ride flew out and landed on his head and later died. If you sat in seat two in the last row at 5:26 PM, you could hear the boy screaming and a thud of his head hitting the pavement. A ride called “The Hay Baler” was also said to be frequented by ghosts, along with some other areas of the park. The amusement side of Geauga Lake permanently closed in 2007 and most rides were sold off. Only the waterpark half remains today. NOTE: A boy never died on the Superman ride, so this appears to be just a legend. However, there have been two deaths at the park in recent years. A girl drowned in the wave pool and the other was a female employee who fell to her death while working on the Batman/Dominator ride.
Brady Lake
Towner’s Woods Park – The park located just off Ravenna Road is reportedly haunted. At the end of a trail is an ancient Indian mound where an Indian is entombed. It is said that if anyone disturbs the princess’ sleep, a guardian of some kind will emerge from the woods either hurting or killing the disturber. Local legend says that in the 1950s, local teenagers drove up to the Indian mound and fell asleep. When they woke the next morning, their vehicle was covered with claw marks. Park rangers keep a close eye on the park now. (Credits: Joan Madden)
John Diver House & Store Building – A former resident of this historic 1830s home heard the sound of a one-legged man climbing the stairs at night. (Credits: Sally Griffith)
Kent State University – A site of multiple hauntings. See Kent State University below.
Masonic Temple – The ghost of Kitty Kent, the wife of Kent’s founding father, Marvin Kent is said to haunt their former home. She was burned alive by the kerosene stove on the third floor. Kitty’s ghost sometimes leaves scratches on the surface of a French mirror. The ghost of the first librarian of the Kent Free Library also haunts the temple. She died in World War One while serving as a nurse.
University Plaza Theater – The older part of University Plaza Theater off the campus of Kent State University is haunted by a presence who sits in the seats after hours. Mysterious things happen in the projection room and footsteps are heard when no one is around. Some patrons of the theater who have sat in the back row have reported popcorn and nickels being thrown on them from the rear, beyond the wall.
Kent State University
Allyn Hall – The first floor of Allyn Hall is haunted by a little girl named Sarah. She roams the halls, tugging on bed sheets and asks people to play with her.
Clark Hall – Being attached to Allyn Hall, Sarah is also said to roam this building.
Engleman Hall – Built as an all-girl dorm in the 1930s, the ghost of a girl who was reportedly raped and murdered there in the 1940s-50s is said to wander the halls at night. She sometimes appears behind you as a reflection in the mirror.
Koonce Hall – The building’s namesake, Judy Koonce, is said to haunt the building. She died while saving a child during a flood years ago. Today her ghost opens elevator doors and is respectful towards people she likes. She isn’t friendly to those who are loud or destructive.
Moulton Hall – A ghostly blue light is often seen floating around on the third floor, causing police to respond multiple times.
Music and Speech Building – Room B-005 is said to be haunted by multiple ghosts. One of the ghosts who haunts the room is that of G. Harry Wright, the original theater director at the university. When his ghost is present, the smell of cigar smoke lingers, even though the facility has been smoke-free for over a decade.
Stopher Hall – This building was haunted by the ghost of a student who committed suicide. Students who got sick would blame the ghost. Objects oved on their own and a figure could sometimes be seen out of the corner of your eye. The original building was demolished and replaced with a new building in 2006. No further experiences have been reported since then.
Stuart Hall – This abandoned dorm, not far from the student center, is said to be haunted. Windows are broken ,bars secure the doors to discourage trespassing and vines grow up the side of the building. Strange noises are heard coming from inside and light can sometimes be seen coming from a window even though no one has been in the building for several years.
Van Campen Hall – This residence hall is full of ghostly activity. Giggling and laughter can be heard constantly at night, along with the sound of marbles hitting the floor. Mysterious reflections have even been seen in the bathroom mirrors.
Streeter Road Forest – The woods along Streeter Road are known to be haunted. Screams, both low and high pitched, can be heard coming from the woods at all hours of the night. Witnesses have been chased from the woods by an invisible entity and some have seen red glowing eyes that quickly vanish.
Old Powder Mill Road – Years ago back in a wooded area stood a mill. In the 1950s-60s, a young girl was raped at the mill. She was able to free herself from the rapist, but she was caught and killed. It is now said on warm, dry summer nights, neighbors can hear the girl running down the road, screaming for help. (Credits: Joan Madden)
Portage County Administration Building – The building that houses Portage County’s Administration once served as a hospital. Apparently some of those who died there have never left. A girl has been seen walking down the halls slowly in a hospital gown. The voices of children can be heard at times.
Route 14 Farmhouse – This farmhouse is haunted by the ghost of a man who walks from room to room on the second floor every night. The ghost is also known to call out to people by name and has even yelled at a child for climbing on furniture. Related: Contribution (Credits: Lynn)
West Branch State Park – The woods at this state park are said to be haunted by a woman who was killed by townspeople outside of Ravenna. Accused of being a witch, she was put to death by being pressed (placing a piece of wood on top of the victim and adding stones on top of the wood until the victim is dead). Her grave is marked by a mound of stones. Over the years, the stones marking her grave have been scattered, but a layer still remains that cannot be disturbed. The woman herself roams the woods of the park. There are reports of seeing her apparition wearing a black flowing gown and scarf.
Ghost Hollow – This is the name given to the area near Rootstown by railroad workers. There was once a pond in the area where a boy from the Chapman family drowned. The pond was later filled in, but the boy’s ghost still haunts the area. Conductors on the train line dread stopping near Ghost Hollow for any reason.
Rootstown Elementary – Many ghosts are said to haunt this school. A girl haunts the third grade girls bathroom, where moaning can be heard and people experience cold chills. It is believed the girl got sick and died in the bathroom, though her identity remains unknown. Lights in the hallways are always on, even on summer break. Some adult ghosts can be seen late at night walking throughout the building.
Stairway To Heaven – In a cemetery near Suffield, it is said that if you walk up the long staircase, a large statue of Jesus will glow.