The OES visited the little city of Shawnee on August 10, 2013. Located in Salt Lick Township, the area around Shawnee was not settled until 1814 due to its remoteness. Shawnee itself wasn’t platted until 1872 when investor TJ Davis chose Israel Gordon’s farm as the site of his new town. Gordon’s home later became the town’s first hotel, the O’Bear House. Homes and commercial buildings began to spring up shortly after Shawnee was platted and a formal village government was established in 1874. The newly established government immediately built a town hall and a two-story schoolhouse to serve its residents. Early businesses included dry goods stores, restaurants, meat markets, millineries, and plenty of taverns. Even with all of these businesses, two separate coal companies operated company stores in the town since their employees were paid in scrip, redeemable only at their store. Professional services included doctors, dentists, lawyers, opticians, and funeral directors. Several social groups including the Odd Fellows, Masons, and Pythians would establish lodges in Shawnee. Churches also flourished in the little city with congregations of many different denominations. Shawnee was serviced by two rail lines, each maintaining a depot and telegraph line. Four newspapers served the community at its peak with the longest tenured being the People’s Advocate, which ran from 1891 to 1944.
Shawnee’s first residents were Ohioans who relocated from the mines in southern Ohio. The town quickly became a melting pot of immigrants from the British Isles, mostly Welsh, with Germans, Scots, English, Irish and a small group of Italians rounding things out. Town sentiment and laws prevented African Americans and eastern Europeans from settling in town and newcomers were often regarded as strike breakers. Shawnee’s life-force was in mining, furnaces, and brick factories. The town boomed from its founding into the early 1900s. In just thirty short years, Shawnee had grown from a handful of settlers to a city of more than 4,000 residents. Shawnee became the region’s go-to place for entertainment with two opera houses, traveling Chautauqua and medicine shows, a large celebration and parade on Labor Day and sporting events. The Cincinnati Reds even visited the town for a game in 1906 and left victorious.
One of Shawnee’s most recognized buildings is the Tecumseh Theater. The theater was completed in 1908 as Red Man’s Hall and served as an early example of skyscraper I-beam construction. The storefronts housed a confectionary, bowling alley, barbershop, and movie theater over the years. Initially a silent movie theater, it was converted to add sound in 1930 and renamed the “New” Linda Theater. The final movies were shown there in 1959. “The Indian Theater” occupied the building’s second floor, hosting theatrical groups, vaudeville shows, high school plays and graduations, boxing matches, basketball games and concerts. The theater had become a popular venue for dancing by the 1940s when Big Bands would play there.
The era of Shawnee’s boom came to an end by the 1930s, leaving the hillsides scarred with thousands of mine openings and piles of useless coal. No one wanted the land, so the federal government began purchasing it and designated it as part of the Wayne National Forest, Ohio’s only National Forest. Many residents considered Shawnee home and wanted to contribute something to the town. They joined together in 1952 to construct Tecumseh Lake at the edge of town. The lake served as a recreation area and still does to this day. As the forest continued to reclaim the barren land, jobs were hard to come by in Shawnee. The last of the coal mines and brick factories closed their doors for good by 1972. Even as residents moved on and businesses closed, some, like the Hannah Brothers department store, continued to operate well into the later parts of the 20th century.
Today a handful of businesses call Shawnee home. There was a pizza restaurant and a few antique stores along the main strip when we visited the town, however, many of the buildings along Main Street were run-down and seemingly vacant. As of 2010, 665 people resided in the village after a resurgence of people looking to get away from larger cities. We were quite surprised to learn the original city hall and jailhouse were still standing, but the schoolhouse that had been located atop Shawnee’s hill was razed a few years prior. As we walked down Main Street, it almost felt like we had stepped back in time. We could easily imagine the hustle and bustle that the deserted road would have had 100 years ago. There was a mix of emotions as we walked along…happy that such a place still existed but sad to see what had become of the town. It seemed that with a little TLC, the town could reemerge as a tourist destination for the region. Hopefully one day it will be.
Location Information: Village
Shawnee is located at the crossroads of State Route 93 and State Route 155; Perry County.
Storefronts along Main Street in downtown Shawnee.
Walking down the road was like taking a step back in time.
The bricked paved alley to the west of Tecumseh Theater.
The Tecumseh Theater had been fully renovated on the exterior and first floor.
The view from the alley adjacent to the theater.
A lone pigeon perched high atop Tecumseh Theater kept watch over the town.
This shop with a vintage Frigidaire sign was next to the theater.
Shawnee Furniture was an authorized dealer for Frigidaire products.
Several old glass bottles and historic photos were in the old storefront's window.
A closer look at the historical photos shows the old schoolhouse.
A sign for Gilley's Shoe Repair.
Several more antiques from the region were on display in this window.
At first glance this building looked like the others along the street. Look closely and you'll see that nature moved in.
The entire interior of this building was a garden of sorts.
Trees and brush grew inside the old building's walls.
The back wall of the building.
Slots in the brick wall where floor joists used to be.
A fireplace that was once on the second floor.
A few steps at the rear of the building were littered with leaves.
The building's main chimney still stood.
A large pile of bricks was tucked away in a corner.
Looking straight up at the main chimney.
The view from the rear of the garden toward the old storefront.
A strange totem pole was propped up in the corner.
Pieces of old ceramic served as makeshift seating.
Wood from old floor joists was still in place.
An unobstructed look at the garden's old storefront.
A wider look at the second floor.
Looking out from the storefront to the business across the street.
The vine-covered chimney to the right was the rear of the garden building.
This building may have served as a restaurant at one time.
An old 7up decal was on one of the building's windows.
The building for the Little Cities of Black Diamonds Council was nearby. Unfortunately it was closed during our visit.
This old building at the edge of town was boarded up like so many other buildings in Shawnee.
A closer look at the woodwork that supported the building's balcony.
A tin ceiling could easily be seen through a broken window.
Several tables and chairs were piled in front of the main door.
Shawnee's Masonic Lodge was across the street from the building last pictured.
This building was Shawnee's other entertainment venue, the Knights of Pythias Opera House.
The dedication plaque between the second and third floors showed the K of P Opera House was erected in 1881.
The east side of the K of P Opera House.
Desperado's was among Shawnee's remaining businesses. The building originally served as the town's bank.
Row after row of vacant storefronts.
As you can probably tell, second floor balconies were all the rage in Shawnee. More often than not, families lived above their business and the balcony served as an outdoor place for them to relax.
Spacing between the buildings was very tight.
A vintage stove sat outside one of the town's antique stores.
At first glance, this building seemed like another charming building along Main Street.
However, when viewed straight-on, you could see the building lean. Hopefully it doesn't fall.
On the other hand, this brick building looked like it could reopen tomorrow if the right person came along.
If it weren't for the storefronts, this would look like any other house with a garage.
Another one of Shawnee's antique stores anchored the east end of downtown.
A sign on the side of the antique store read "Little Giant Food Stores." Perhaps this building once served as the town's grocery.
This appeared to be Shawnee's fire department building. It still housed a police vehicle for the town.
A warehouse sat at the corner of Amin and Main Streets.
Vegetation covered the side of the building that once faced the canal.
It appeared the warehouse included some type of storefront or office space.
This old cellar was located on the north side of Main Street between 2nd and 3rd.
Shawnee's original jail house and town hall buildings stood on Walnut Street.
This building served as the original town hall and fire department. The bell was still in the belfry.
A no parking sign was bolted to the fire department's door.
Shawnee's jail was to the east of town hall.
The back side of the jail house.
The header above the door clearly labeled the building as the town's jail.
Metal bars were bolted to the windows to prevent escape.
Shawnee's school was once located next to the water tower at the top of this hill. Sadly, the school was razed a few years before our visit.
This unique statue dedicated to coal miners resided in a small plaza between Shawnee's two opera houses.
A look at the statue from above.
Shawnee's water tower as seen from the corner of Amin and Main.
This Ohio Historical Marker was in the town's park.
This stairway led up to a small gazebo.
Looking toward Main Street from the gazebo.
There were several picnic tables and benches in the town's park.
The park's dedication plaque was located on the front of the gazebo.
A time capsule was buried at the park in 2000. It is to be opened on September 2, 2025.