In 2001, the OES purchased a new Hewlett-Packard PhotoSmart 912 digital camera to take better photos for the website. We decided to take some night time photographs in and around downtown Columbus to test out some of the camera’s new features. Some turned out pretty good, so we put them on this page. We may add more photos in the figure as we test features of our newer digital cameras, like the Canon Digital Rebel models. If you would like to be informed about updates to the website, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
Location Information: City
Columbus is the capital for the state of Ohio and is located in Franklin County.

A replica of the Santa Maria called the Scioto River home from 1991 until it was removed in 2014 pending restoration. Currently in storage at a city facility in south Columbus, its future is uncertain.

When it opened in 1906, Memorial Hall had the second largest seating capacity in the US, just behind Madison Square Garden. It served as COSI's building from 1964-1999.

The Broad Street bridge. Columbus City Hall is the white building to the right and Columbus Police headquarters is the building with the green roof.