The OES visited Tunis Newkirk Cemetery on November 2, 2010. Located about 1,700 feet south of Wilson Road NW in Bloom Township, Tunis Newkirk Cemetery was a bit difficult to find. After speaking to a homeowner near the cemetery, we received permission to drive a third of a mile across the recently harvested field to photograph the cemetery. We pulled up to a small clump of trees near a tree line at the end of the field, where we found the overgrown cemetery. There was a waist-high cement wall constructed around the burial plot with a marker embedded that read, “Tunis Newkirk Family Burial Lot Reserved by deed recorded in Liber 12 Range 153.” There were a handful of tombstones located within the concrete walls, a few were too weathered to be legible. The earliest burial was Susannah Newkirk, the wife of Tunis Newkirk, who was an early pioneer to the area and the cemetery’s namesake. Susannah died on July 4, 1811 at 59 years, 11 months and 29 days. We could not find her husband’s tombstone, but records indicate he died on May 1, 1823, at 73 years and 9 months. there was a tombstone with the name Tunis Newkirk, but it belonged to the elder Tunis’ grandson, who sadly died when he was only four years old. The only other legible tombstone we found belonged to Sarah Jane Newkirk, daughter of Jephthah and Nancy Newkirk, who died on October 18, 1842, at the age of 11 years, 10 months and 15 days. We could not find any other information about the cemetery in our research, likely due to its small size. If you have any other information, please email .
Location Information: Inactive Cemetery [Overgrown]
Tunis Newkirk Cemetery is located in a farmer’s field nearly 1,700 feet south of Wilson Road NW; Fairfield County.