The OES visited Ray Watkins Cemetery on November 27, 2001. We originally thought this was Stimmel Cemetery but further research indicated it was not. Located off of Parsons Avenue in far south Columbus, Ray Watkins Cemetery was established in 1830. The oldest tombstone we found dated to 1856, so some burials may now be unmarked. The township cares for the cemetery and it seemed to be very well taken care of. The heavy iron gate at the rear of the cemetery was broken and held in place by a few pieces of wire. Most of the remaining tombstones were in decent condition, although there were a few that were broken or knocked over. Thanks goes to the helpful gentleman at Fisher’s Greenhouse, now permanently closed, for the information and permission to photograph the cemetery.
Location Information: Inactive Cemetery [Safe]
Ray Watkins Cemetery is located on Parsons Avenue just north of I-270, near the old Fisher’s Greenhouse in Columbus; Franklin County.